Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Does This Mean I'm Nerdy Now?!

     Ever since I was 6 years old I loved the X-Men.

      I used the fight with my stepdad over the remote. I wanted to watch X-Men cartoons and he wanted to watch Leave It To Beaver...what the heck? I know right! That show is like 60 years old or something. Anyway ever since I was a kid I wanted to go to the X-Men school and live in the X-mansion and kick ass in the danger room. Screw Hogwarts, being an X-man is way better! The X-Men would totally CRUSH any little wiz kid at Hogwarts. So what if they can ride on brooms? Cyclops would blast them into halves.

     I always LOVED Wolverine. He's been my favorite character since I was a first grader.

Look at that bad ass!

     Those were the early signs of me being attracted to badasses. I watched the X-Men movies. No matter how bad they actually were, I liked them anyway because's X-Men! And I love anything X-Men!

     Then I started reading the comics recently and ooooohhhh mmmmmmyyy goooooosssh. They are the BEST. The comics explain stuff the movies missed. So far I've only read Wolverine's series and Dark Wolverine. Did you know Wolverine has a half-Asian son?! And another good side to the comics, I'm suppose to practice reading and comic books are reading! I really do like the Wolverine and Dark Wolverine series. They even write the character's thoughts in there and the pictures are great compared with Wolverine First Class. I didn't like that series, the drawings I'm picky.
     Anyway I plan on reading quite a few different comic series and this is what I MIGHT read:
-Wolverine (finish it up)
-Dark Wolverine (finish it up)
-All the regular X-Men ones
-Wolverine Origins
-Batman (I have Batman Underwear so I feel like I HAVE to read his comics)
-Captain America (He worked with Wolverine, makes him a cool guy)
-Something about the black Spider-Man, Venom

     I like the really badass heroes. Superman is just too much of a good boy. Spidey...lame, but Wolvie and Batman remain on the top of list for now and they most definitely always will.

     So now that I read I like...NERDY?

Ok, I'm not nerdy YET

     BUT I AM going thrifting this week. I will be looking for a leather jacket and if I find a really cool one...I might be tempted to cut 3 slashes into it...

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