Thursday, June 30, 2011

Things To Do In Seattle When You Only Have $5

     So recently, I got a new gay buddy, Andrew!

     He is my mom's friend's son and when we were younger our parents planned our weddings. Coincidentally, we both turned out gay! So this was the first time we really hung out and we went to downtown Seattle. I had about $7 and he had $5. So what did we do?

     -Gelato! There is a GREAT place at Pike Place Market. I never had gelato...Andew showed me this place for the first time. Also, around Pike Place Market there are some interesting spiritual stores where Andrew buys spiritual rocks or whatever...(gays, I don't understand them)
     -Crepes! A new crepes place opened up at Westlake Center called Yummy Crepes...I think. But it's owned by a bunch of Asian people and their crepes are about $5 and you can watch them make them!
     -Ride the elevator! That's right. There is a really good one at Westlake Center. It's not actually part of the mall, but it is connected to Westlake and this building is a business place. When it goes down, we pushed our weight upwards and for about a second it feels like there is no gravity!!! Another one is at the Washington State Convention Center. The gravity thing doesn't have as much power on this elevator, but the convention center is so cool when it's empty! The elevator has clear glass so you can see the freeway and everything. 

The view from Conv. Center elevator

Andrew said this is the future of plants

     That's pretty much all we did. There's also the option of taking the bus to a random place and exploring that.

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