Wednesday, July 13, 2011

This is a great blog! Nuff HERE

Does This Mean I'm Nerdy Now?!

     Ever since I was 6 years old I loved the X-Men.

      I used the fight with my stepdad over the remote. I wanted to watch X-Men cartoons and he wanted to watch Leave It To Beaver...what the heck? I know right! That show is like 60 years old or something. Anyway ever since I was a kid I wanted to go to the X-Men school and live in the X-mansion and kick ass in the danger room. Screw Hogwarts, being an X-man is way better! The X-Men would totally CRUSH any little wiz kid at Hogwarts. So what if they can ride on brooms? Cyclops would blast them into halves.

     I always LOVED Wolverine. He's been my favorite character since I was a first grader.

Look at that bad ass!

     Those were the early signs of me being attracted to badasses. I watched the X-Men movies. No matter how bad they actually were, I liked them anyway because's X-Men! And I love anything X-Men!

     Then I started reading the comics recently and ooooohhhh mmmmmmyyy goooooosssh. They are the BEST. The comics explain stuff the movies missed. So far I've only read Wolverine's series and Dark Wolverine. Did you know Wolverine has a half-Asian son?! And another good side to the comics, I'm suppose to practice reading and comic books are reading! I really do like the Wolverine and Dark Wolverine series. They even write the character's thoughts in there and the pictures are great compared with Wolverine First Class. I didn't like that series, the drawings I'm picky.
     Anyway I plan on reading quite a few different comic series and this is what I MIGHT read:
-Wolverine (finish it up)
-Dark Wolverine (finish it up)
-All the regular X-Men ones
-Wolverine Origins
-Batman (I have Batman Underwear so I feel like I HAVE to read his comics)
-Captain America (He worked with Wolverine, makes him a cool guy)
-Something about the black Spider-Man, Venom

     I like the really badass heroes. Superman is just too much of a good boy. Spidey...lame, but Wolvie and Batman remain on the top of list for now and they most definitely always will.

     So now that I read I like...NERDY?

Ok, I'm not nerdy YET

     BUT I AM going thrifting this week. I will be looking for a leather jacket and if I find a really cool one...I might be tempted to cut 3 slashes into it...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Things To Do In Seattle When You Only Have $5

     So recently, I got a new gay buddy, Andrew!

     He is my mom's friend's son and when we were younger our parents planned our weddings. Coincidentally, we both turned out gay! So this was the first time we really hung out and we went to downtown Seattle. I had about $7 and he had $5. So what did we do?

     -Gelato! There is a GREAT place at Pike Place Market. I never had gelato...Andew showed me this place for the first time. Also, around Pike Place Market there are some interesting spiritual stores where Andrew buys spiritual rocks or whatever...(gays, I don't understand them)
     -Crepes! A new crepes place opened up at Westlake Center called Yummy Crepes...I think. But it's owned by a bunch of Asian people and their crepes are about $5 and you can watch them make them!
     -Ride the elevator! That's right. There is a really good one at Westlake Center. It's not actually part of the mall, but it is connected to Westlake and this building is a business place. When it goes down, we pushed our weight upwards and for about a second it feels like there is no gravity!!! Another one is at the Washington State Convention Center. The gravity thing doesn't have as much power on this elevator, but the convention center is so cool when it's empty! The elevator has clear glass so you can see the freeway and everything. 

The view from Conv. Center elevator

Andrew said this is the future of plants

     That's pretty much all we did. There's also the option of taking the bus to a random place and exploring that.

I'm a Big Kid Now!

Yay! This last week was so great! Look at all the things I accomploshed:

     -Went to Seattle by myself
     -Figured out how to use the buses

Friday, June 24, 2011


     If you don't read Autostraddle, you should cause it rocks. There is an old article in there about underwear and most of the stuff they got on that page is either:
  1. Too expensive
  2. Sold out
  3. Sort of girly
     I don't agree with all their choices of just briefs. I think they look really saggy and ugly (except the American Apparel ones). If you're going to wear underwear that's short like that...just wear girls' underwear.
     I'm more of a boxer briefs type of girl. I like the tightness, but it still feels really free (especially in the crotch area) and I feel more comfortable walking around in them because they have more leg coverage. They still fit under my skinny jeans too! Plus...the best part:

   I'll NEVER get a wedgie

     I'm really, really small. Size 0, 5'3 and 102 pounds to be exact. I fit into frickin' little boys' size 12 or 14. It's all good for me though because I save money!

So here's what I wear:

     These are by FAR the best fitting and the most comfortable undies I've ever had in my LIFE. They are just REALLY soft and low rise so it fits better for girls. Plus they make my ass look beautiful. I also like how the band isn't super huge and hard. They have black ones too. Calvin Klein is just an amazing brand. If you don't fit into little boys' just get men's. They're great too, I know cause my dad walks around in them all the time.

You guys already know I have the shark ones

I really like these! I just love the color orange AND blue!

     So I buy guys' x-small from American Eagle. I shrunk them in the wash and wear them with the band folded down and it fits really well. They are pretty soft, but not as soft as the Calvin's, but still...really good. I like the fact that they make their underwear fun too. If you buy them during their sales, they are great.

     -American Eagle Low-Rise Trunks

I have these exact ones
      The good thing about them is that they come in neon colors, they are softer than the boxer briefs, they are pretty low rise and just very comfortable. The bad thing is that they have the pouch for my non-existent balls. It doesn't open up so it's really awkward fitting. It sticks out a little bit...and sometimes I'll push it in and then it's just a weird looking dent. BUT if you don't plan on showing people,or you just don't care, they are super comfortable!

     -American Apparel Boxer Briefs

       They have a bajillion colors, that's what makes it appealing to me. I LOVE COLOR! Especially if they are bright. They just make walking around in your undies more interesting and fun. These are really expensive for me though...but they have a 3-pack deal.

     -Boxer Briefs for the CHEAP and/or the BROKE: Hanes

     For some reason the band really matters to me. I think it's cause I like to wear my underwear with the band showing a little bit above my pants. Fruit of the Loom does NOT have a cool looking band so therefore I've never bought them. But Hanes...are really cheap and the band is alright. $10 for a pack of 5. That's really good. The thing is though, they have like 3 colors so two of them are the same as each other (when I bought them at the store) and that bugs me. Anyway, these are sort of rough, but still more comfortable than girl's underwear. If you're cheap or broke as hell like Casey...get these!

      -Last bit, I don't have these...but I REALLY WANT THEM!!!

     So there you have it...that's the underwear I wear. I tried putting on a pair of girls' underwear the other day no! I took them off. There's no way I'll ever go back to wearing THOSE after I started wearing boys' underwear. And I know Casey is just a boxer shorts type of girl. Maybe she'll write about that later.

Role Models

Landyn and I are the only queers out at our school. You'd think that this would suck, and it does because you wind up dating straight girls who are sexually confused for like two or three months then go and change their mind, but then it's AWESOME because you get to feel cool and special and make lots of gay jokes that don't seem to get old. At least to the heteros, which is... everybody.

"damn straight! oh wait ahahahahaha not for you. you're gaaay!"

........ no, really.

We've got it really easy. Take our generation and couple it with our area's more liberal population, we don't have to put up with too much shit. But even gays like us still need something to look towards as an example. So we went to Captiol Hill! I can't get over how lucky we were to have been born so close the gayest place on earth. Our friend's lesbo sister picked us up and we met up with her girlfriend and their friends, to get a good idea of where we were headed after high school and bond with our chosen people.

Everybody there is either gay or a TOTAL hipster. Landyn and I, who usually get stared at for our androgyny, fit right in. And there were lesbian couples with gaybies! Not even doing anything, just being in such an awesome place like that, was encouraging. Like, we've got a legitimately cool community to become a part of. The best part of this whole thing, though, was we got to meet and talk with these freaking tight ladies who could give us a good example of what we wanted to aim for as we got older. We learned about power lesbians and what to call trans folk and a shit ton of places to check out so we could meet more people. There're also loads of places for queer youth to chill, in case your rents are like mine and won't let you run around the city unsupervised. Landyn's got this idea that we need to finish high school early so we can get up there as fast as we can. But the point of all this is that we got some more ideas on what kinda people we wanna be, and where we wanna go after school. Knowing that you're headed somewhere awesome makes being a minority loads easier. So go out and find some adult homo who you respect. Christian guidance counselors and your nervous wrecks of parentals will only get you so far.

Aaaaaaalso, we went to this underwear store run completely by gay men. :D You can probably tell from the other posts that we're obsessed with guys' underwear, so this place (Under U4 Men) was pretty much a dream come true. Guys are so lucky... everybody deserves to feel as great as this.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

What I Found At The Mall Yesterday

     Ok so Casey and I went queer clothes shopping and so I'm reporting about American Apparel and Urban Outfitter.

Urban Outfitter
     This store is amazing as you probably already know. I mean...look at this shirt we found!

 ^What a queerio^

     Urban is probably the best place for cool (guy's) t-shirts and also Hot Topic has cool t-shirts too.

Here are some of our favorite things we found at Urban:
     -This Jacket

 Here's a pic of us wearing it, but...I'm making a weird face so...

     -These leather sneakers

     -AND this OTHER jacket


     It's quite interesting and the color is guyish. It's weirdly cool! Looks like something our friend Kayla would wear. She's an interesting character, we'll have to interview her sometime.

     So those our 4 of our favorite things we found. Plus Urban is generally really good for all kinds of shoes, hats and ties!

 I like the American Flag looking ones. Very patriotic! 
I'm thinking about getting some American Flag boxer briefs

Love the blue and white striped. The are ties within the tie!

American Apparel 
     I don't think anyone buys anything from here besides their hoodies, underwear and occasionally their neon stuff for costumes.
  Got this from Am Apparel to make a spoof workout video. (Before I got my haircut)
     -Anyway, I think American Apparel has some pretty neat things in there, besides the hoodies. There's sleeveless hoodies

     $38 or you could just cut the sleeves off an old jacket. I think anything looks cool sleeveless these days. I know a girl who cut the sleeves off a blazer and another one who cut the sleeves off a denim jacket.
     -I also liked their really colorful running shorts.
I have yet to jog with these. 

     -These baseball shirts (I call em), but apparently they're called 3/4 Sleeve Raglan shirts. I didn't even know they had a men's and a women's one! Casey tried on the men's one and it was effing beautiful.

But she's insecure about her C cup breasts so I had to get a picture off the website.

     -I LOVE the texture on their bow ties!

     And of their legendary underwear. They have really nice shiny shoes, men's shorts, undies, leg warmers...what a crazy store. I LOVE IT. It's so gay in there cause everything's unisex.

     So that's what I found! Pretty soon we're going to do a report on finding tuxedos, suits and formal wear and how to pull of guy's clothes without looking like a total tranny.