Friday, June 24, 2011

Role Models

Landyn and I are the only queers out at our school. You'd think that this would suck, and it does because you wind up dating straight girls who are sexually confused for like two or three months then go and change their mind, but then it's AWESOME because you get to feel cool and special and make lots of gay jokes that don't seem to get old. At least to the heteros, which is... everybody.

"damn straight! oh wait ahahahahaha not for you. you're gaaay!"

........ no, really.

We've got it really easy. Take our generation and couple it with our area's more liberal population, we don't have to put up with too much shit. But even gays like us still need something to look towards as an example. So we went to Captiol Hill! I can't get over how lucky we were to have been born so close the gayest place on earth. Our friend's lesbo sister picked us up and we met up with her girlfriend and their friends, to get a good idea of where we were headed after high school and bond with our chosen people.

Everybody there is either gay or a TOTAL hipster. Landyn and I, who usually get stared at for our androgyny, fit right in. And there were lesbian couples with gaybies! Not even doing anything, just being in such an awesome place like that, was encouraging. Like, we've got a legitimately cool community to become a part of. The best part of this whole thing, though, was we got to meet and talk with these freaking tight ladies who could give us a good example of what we wanted to aim for as we got older. We learned about power lesbians and what to call trans folk and a shit ton of places to check out so we could meet more people. There're also loads of places for queer youth to chill, in case your rents are like mine and won't let you run around the city unsupervised. Landyn's got this idea that we need to finish high school early so we can get up there as fast as we can. But the point of all this is that we got some more ideas on what kinda people we wanna be, and where we wanna go after school. Knowing that you're headed somewhere awesome makes being a minority loads easier. So go out and find some adult homo who you respect. Christian guidance counselors and your nervous wrecks of parentals will only get you so far.

Aaaaaaalso, we went to this underwear store run completely by gay men. :D You can probably tell from the other posts that we're obsessed with guys' underwear, so this place (Under U4 Men) was pretty much a dream come true. Guys are so lucky... everybody deserves to feel as great as this.


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