Tuesday, June 21, 2011

DUBSTEP and other awesome things

So music is probably the third greatest way to kinda step back and take a break from life for a bit. Seriously, one of the few upsides to my first breakup was that it pushed me to find a TON of new tunes. Mumford and Sons, Airorne Toxic Event, The Killers, Snow Patrol, Eric Hutchinson... A weird combination, but all worked excellent in getting my mind off of girls. You should definitely check these out.

-(anything by M&S is fantastic) but Roll Away Your Stone
-Innocence by Airborne Toxic Event
-Rocks and Daggers by Noah and the Whale
-Snow by Red Hot Chili Peppers
-Either Way by Beta Radio
-Everyday by Dave Matthews
-Parachutes by Coldplay
-Sam's Town by The Killers
-Time to Pretend by MGMT
-Armistice by Phoenix
-Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol

Dubstep is so amazing beyond description. My first dubstep experience was In For the Kill (Skrillex remix) and it's pretty tight. Here are a few songs to check out. Landyn knows a ton more than me and I'm cheap so I just listen to hers.

-Cracks (Flux Pavillion Remix)
- Ghosts and Stuff by Deadmau5
-The Island (parts 1 and 2) by Pendulum
-Timestretch by Basenectar

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